Sunday, March 11, 2007

A cup of Hugonomics

Hugo Chávez can't understand why nobody in Venezuela has any coffee to drink.

"The government now controls the price of coffee - so why doesn't anyone have any coffee? In fact, why are Venezuelans facing shortages of nearly all the goods the government controls the price of?"

Oh, I don't know. I think someone's actually gone over this topic before. Contrary to popular political opinion, Venezuela's biggest economic nightmare isn't a collapse in world oil prices, but rather, having a stream of income just large enough for the government's inflationary monetary policies to continue in perpetuity.

Like all socialist and communist leaders before him, Chávez is tackling wealth disparity the easiest way possible. He's not going to make the poor rich, but rather, he's making everybody poor.


  1. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Good one, Chavez is a buffoon and a disaster...

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe thinks
    communism is GREAT

    excellent way to destroy
    countries for generations

  2. "Contrary to popular political opinion, Venezuela's biggest economic nightmare isn't a collapse in world oil prices, but rather, having a stream of income just large enough for the government's inflationary monetary policies to continue in perpetuity."

    This is a veeery good point!
    Excellent blog, brain at work, here..
    Tanks to WHPW for pointing here
