Via Reason Magazine's Hit and Run blog comes news of a German hostel that deliberately recreates the ambiance of the late East Germany (aka, the German Democratic Republic). According to the hostel's website, you too can indulge your Ostalgie with a stay in the "Stasi suite" for a mere $78.
Frankly, I would demand true authenticity. If the room isn't bugged, then honestly, you're just wasting $78 for a room with lousy wallpaper, uncomfortable beds and pictures of Erich Honecker on the walls. For less money, you could get even greater authenticity by staying in a country that still behaves like East Germany. Why play around with recreations when you could get the real deal in Cuba, Moldova or Belarus?
Oh, I know. You can leave the fake East Germany whenever you want.
I think Honecker Hotels should expand its operations to Burma, Uzbekistan, and North Korea... stat.